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Academy of Animated Art Intro to Maya Workshop
Welcome! (1:37)
Why Maya? (4:18)
Introduction to 3D Terminology (2:57)
Installing Maya (2:09)
Maya Basics
Maya Interface Overview (7:18)
Creating Polygon Primatives (2:19)
Maya UI Navigation (3:23)
Scale, Rotate, & Translate (4:18)
Attribute Box (5:47)
Polygonal Modeling
Build a Snowman (10:56)
Faces & Vertices (4:54)
Extruding (4:39)
Beveling (3:09)
Combining (1:38)
Welding (2:17)
Bridging (2:21)
Mirroring (3:19)
The Edge Loop (3:59)
Smoothing (2:09)
Booleans (2:41)
Object History (3:09)
Working With Curves
Intro To Curves (4:25)
Creating Curves (4:49)
Modifying Curves (3:51)
Utilizing Curves (3:52)
Lighting, Shading, & Rendering
Intro To Rendering (11:40)
Intro To Shaders (3:38)
Basic Shader Attributes (3:51)
Shader Presets (5:27)
Adding Textures (3:37)
Intro To The Hypershade (2:23)
UVs (4:02)
Intro To Lighting (0:38)
Skydome Light (6:27)
Area Light (3:29)
Spot Light (4:23)
Point Lights (2:44)
Intro to Lighting a Scene (10:17)
Cameras (5:03)
Intro To Animation (0:49)
Setting a Keyframe (4:20)
The Graph Editor (5:44)
The Dope Sheet (2:56)
Cycling Animation (3:44)
Using Curves in Animation (3:13)
Playblasting (1:20)
A Rigged Character (2:02)
Animating Anything! (2:34)
Bonus Section
Setting Up Reference Planes (5:33)
Grouping Objects (1:33)
Layering (2:27)
The Outliner (3:25)
Smoothing Surfaces (2:05)
Controlling Visibility (3:00)
Scripting (3:33)
Generating Objects (2:10)
The Big Project
Big Project Kickoff (0:46)
Setting Up A Project (3:20)
What are .ma & .mb files? (3:27)
Blocking (1:53)
Beveling (1:50)
The Neck (2:32)
The Wheels (6:35)
The Arms (7:20)
The Party Hat (6:17)
Shader Blocking (5:12)
Grouping (5:01)
Texture Painting (4:41)
Combining Assets (4:44)
Fixing Links (3:51)
Animation Curve (5:36)
Animating The Door (4:06)
Lighting (4:32)
Rendering (3:42)
That's A Wrap! (0:54)
Links to Additional Resources
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