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Academy of Animated Art Introduction to the Unreal Engine Workshop
Installing Unreal Engine
Installing Unreal Engine 4 (3:47)
Changing Vault Cache Location (1:47)
Creating Your First Project (4:37)
Intro To Unreal
Window Panels (5:52)
Menus (3:18)
World Settings (4:34)
Viewport Controls (4:59)
Levels Menu (6:18)
Exporting From Maya
What To Look For When Exporting (5:40)
Installing Bonus Tools (3:05)
Removing Ngons (4:16)
Smoothing Geometry (5:18)
Exporting Separate Parts To Alembic (7:25)
Importing To Unreal
Importing Into Unreal Engine (5:43)
Materials in Unreal
What Is A Master Material? (1:54)
What Is A RMA Texture (3:14)
Creating A Master Material (8:40)
Bonus Video Creating A Master Material Without RMA (4:04)
SubSurface Scattering (8:17)
Shading Our Model (11:01)
What is the Sequencer?
Sequencer (3:29)
How is Unreal Different Than Maya?
How Does Unreal Compare To Other Renderers? (14:15)
Unreal Engine Dynamic Vs Static Lighting (13:26)
What Are Light Maps? (5:26)
Creating Lightmap UVs in Maya (5:23)
Generating Lightmaps (5:33)
Light Types
Directional Lights (8:58)
Sky Lights (8:04)
Area Lights (7:48)
Spot Lights (9:35)
Point Lights (6:51)
Post-Process Volume
Introduction to Post-Process (6:32)
Post-Process Camera Settings (8:24)
Post-Process Grading (4:54)
Post-Process Render Features (12:42)
Environment Setup
Importing A Free Environment Pack (5:05)
Lighting Walkthrough
Lighting Walkthrough (18:06)
Rendering with Cryptomattes
Rendering (14:03)
Bonus Content
Distance Field Ambient Occlusion (9:05)
Exporting Character With A Correct Rig (5:28)
Autosaves (3:54)
Lighting With Real World Values (8:31)
Creating Blueprints (7:35)
Reflection Captures (4:55)
Rendering With Raytracing (5:03)
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Lighting Walkthrough
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